Harry Potter

Harry Potter lives in no. 4 private drive with the Dursleys. The cupboard under the stairs is Harry's bedroom.

Harry lost his parents James and Lily Potter' in his childhood in a car crash. That day harry woke up by Aunt Petunia shouting and Dudley jumping on the stair just above his head. As Harry entered the kitchen, Aunt Petunia handed over the kitchen work to Harry and moved away to Dudley.After szerving the breakfast to the Dursleys harry went to get the post in which Harry found one letter addressed to him.

harry passes the letters to uncle vernon and takes his letter but dudleysees harry opening the letter. he snatches the letter from harrys hands and passes it to uncle vernon. there was a shock on uncle vernons face when he sees the letter, he immideately tears the letter and throws it into the fire

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